Monday, July 05, 2010

Just a thought for the day...

Don't you agree?  I have a thing for zombies, along with this is MY bookmark.  It fits me so well :)  and His Majesty gave it to me!  (he is not the gift type, so I was surprised)

I am off to begin Day 3 of the TDF 2010 and finish up the last smidgen of my 4oz batt and begin the second one.  I think I have formed a callous on my index finger...tour hazard, I need the medic!  Sadly, I didn't get pics posted to the Ravelry thread in time for the prize drawing and that has made me super sad :(  already a hoo.  Better take pics now for today, just in case.

1 comment:

Denise said...

I *love* the bookmark! Do you know where I could get one?

Thanks for visiting my blog and for your kind words about my spinning. I couldn't find an email for you so thought I'd post here. :-)