I just happened to be on a search for a sock book at my local ACMoore, when I ran across the book Wrap Style. Now, I had been eyeballing this book in catalogs, but just never brought myself to buy it, but it just so happened the sock book I wanted was not there and I did have a 50% off coupon (oh yes!)....so I bought Wrap Style instead....and love it!!!! It is full of gorgeous wraps, all different styles and levels and I can't wait to try something. Love it!!
I also stumbled across this other book, 1000 Sweaters at the library. I have found some really cute patterns in here and I am thinking about tracking this book down for my own. I am getting greedy! When will I have the time??????
Oh yes, I also purchased 2 pounds of a beautiful corriedale roving on ebay!!! Yes, see my stash of kool-aid and easter egg dye? That's what I will be using to make beautiful colors!!! I will be spinning away on the Spawn of Satan. I found a great deal and snapped it up, now patiently awaiting it's arrival. Okay, not so patient! I am ready to dye, create, spin, be a mad scientist with the dye!!! I can see my pot boiling now...well, not really boiling...
The guild meeting is Sunday and I am so happy to go again. Unfortunately, I will miss the handwork meeting on Saturday, since I have to work my part time gig. Rats! Need to fund the roving stash...
The cats are very inquisitive this evening and trying to climb all over everything I touch. Corbin is trying to climb into the laptop bag, on the table! For some reason, he feels it is his duty to inspect and sleep in every purse, tote, bag, satchel, duffle, box...you get the idea.
Okay, I need to get busy on some projects! I have jabbered for way to long. I have patterns to go gaa-gaa over! (it seems that the photo blogger is not wanting to cooperate too well this evening, hope it snaps out of it)
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