Monday, August 29, 2011

What my dash looked like...

The tires leading up to the dumpsters.  Yep had to hoist myself into and out of 2 dumpsters and through 3 sets of tires.
 I think we had 13 obstacles and sadly didn't get pics of each one, but HM did snap a few as I went through them.

My attempt to climb and then I don't see that one.  I came right back down!

ok, the other tall climber that I freaked out over once I got to the top.  I saw myself falling through the wide slats on top and climbed right back down!  (shorts are wet from the swamp)

fire pit, jumped over 2 of them, they were hot!

And me after the finish line and the "hosing" to try and get the mud off of me.  It didn't really work, but it felt good to get a little cleaner.

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