Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Snowy days....

Snowy days to me mean finishing up projects or naps.  Since I don't have "me time" for naps (interrupted by others) I chose to work on some projects.  I finished plying some handspun from a few months ago.  Yes, that long ago!  Shame on  me for being so slack.  I think I have about 212 yards in this and don't even remember what it was....though it would be easy enough for me to go back and find, but alas I am lazy.
And snowy days also mean starting new socks with this KnitPicks yarn, Essential in Meadow Multi.  It is superwash merino and nylon and VERY splitty.  Oh my gosh, so splitty!  That is driving me crazy.  I have been wanting to learn how to start socks from the toe up, but have never found a class.

I am a visual/hands on learner, so hearing it and reading it are harder for me.  I want to see it!  I broke down and bought Toe Up 2-at-a-time socks to learn how and it worked!  I started my first pair of toe up socks. 
It doesn't look like much, but it is the beginning for this little journey and so far I am enjoying it.  I just hope I don't panic when it comes time for the heels and gussets, etc.  
Now I plan to go and spin a little on some roving I picked up at SAFF :)

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