Saturday, January 05, 2008

Slow Saturday...

It has been a slow Saturday around here, not that things haven't been happening. Went to a blood/bone marrow drive for a friend/coworker of mine. Here is a Tinkerbell cake I made for a little girl's birthday. All freehand, pretty decent if I say so myself....but took forever freehand!Lots of girlie bdays lately. Don't you just love cake??? I do !

Finished cutting out squares for the rag quilt. Thought I had enough last night, but I was wrong :) Have enough squares, but discovered I didn't have white thread. How can you not have white thread? Mystery...think it had something to do with all of the Christmas projects I made over the holiday.

And did I start knitting my shrug you may ask? Of course not! I was too busy with fabric, cleaning (bathrooms, kitchen, vacuuming, mopping, dishes, and laundry), and baking. So, tomorrow is grocery gathering, white thread buying, and knitting. Promise! And going to try some Fiber One chocolate muffins. Any Fiber One addicts out there? I am! Love the stuff!

And for a kitty cat fix of the is Ainsley, princess of the house. Doesn't want to be bothered by anyone; don't touch, don't talk to, don't look at her unless she gives you permission. What a peach!

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